The well-being of your employees is critical to achieving your organization’s goals and has a direct impact on your company’s bottom line. Some would say we also have a moral obligation to help those within our workplaces live their best possible lives.
A comprehensive global study of more than 150 countries identified five universal elements of well-being: career, social, community, physical, and financial.1 To these five, we would add emotional well-being, which is an essential part of overall health. Together, these elements describe aspects of our lives that are important to us and that impact our health and happiness. Those who are not living effectively in these areas of well-being are not getting the most out of life.
Given that most people spend one-third of their adult lives at work2 the workplace can play a significant role in promoting these essential elements and supporting employee well-being.

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1 The Five Essential Elements of Well-Being. Tom Rath and Jim Harter.
2 Global strategy on occupational health for all: They way to health at work. World Health Organization.
3 The Economics of Wellbeing. Tom Rath and Jim Harter.
4 Your Friends and Your Social Well-Being. Tom Rath and Jim Harter.
5 Financial Stress in the Workplace Costs Canadian Economy $16 Billion Annually. Canadian Payroll Association.
6 Lower Your Health Costs While Boosting Performance. Susan Sorenson.
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