Corporate Programs

Creating Positive Change.

Creating a culture that supports health at work is so rewarding.

Leaders are happier, managers are more engaged and employees welcome positive change.

Our solutions help whether you are championing your own wellness program or looking to work with a trusted partner. We will find a solution, together.

Workplace Wellness Champion Series.

This series will educate wellness champions on being effective ambassadors for wellness within their organizations, share the most successful workplace wellness practices for engagement optimization and discuss best strategies on assessing, implementing and evaluating workplace wellness programs.

  • Week 1 – Defining Workplace Wellness and Setting Objectives
  • Week 2 – Creating a Healthy Culture
  • Week 3 – Implementing Successful Strategies
  • Week 4 – Evaluating Your Wellness Program

Corporate Wellness Membership.

Our memberships give you access to our team of corporate wellness specialists who walk you through the best options for your organization.

Some exciting benefits:

  • Structured health campaigns
  • Strategic integration and customization
  • Support from our wellness experts and community partners
  • Access to our innovative Member Hub

Mentorship Program.

Establishing a true wellness strategy takes time and experience. Our Mentorship Program will guide you through a step-by-step, staged process to ensure your wellness strategic plan is designed for success.

  • Benchmarking
  • Planning
  • Design
  • Implementation