Link to your favourite section.

Pick 5 and give them a try this week!
Take a healthy selfie and share it with us
- Soak up some Vitamin D by doing your daily exercise outside. Ensure to use proper sun protection.
- Set up your sleep strategy.
- Register for this week’s webinar OR watch one of the previous weeks workshops.
- Stay hydrated with 8 glasses of water each day.
- Fill your own cup by doing something just for you!
- Cut back on your daily caffeine intake.
- Add an extra serving of fruits and vegetables into your daily nutrition.
- Order a book online or download a podcast and take time to yourself everyday to enjoy them.
- Write down your long term goals. Have they changed because of the pandemic?
- Be KIND to yourself.
- Buy a fresh fruit or vegetable from the grocery store you have never tried before and use it in a recipe.
- Make one of the EWSNetwork recipes shared through the Stay Safe, Stay Healthy webpage.
- Start and end your day with a practice of gratitude by noting three things you are grateful for.
- Share a kind word or a compliment with someone you know.
- Set a new physical activity goal. For example; walk 5000 steps, try a yoga class, start strength training.
- Take your regular breaks and lunch away from your desk even if you are working from home.
- Do something you LOVE every single day!
- Write a letter to someone special and mail it to them (not email).
- Try something new; a food, a recipe, a workout.
- Drink that water! Try to get in 8 glasses each day.
- Set up a virtual coffee break with your favourite people.
- Get outside and enjoy some fresh air every day.
- Watch your favourite feel good movie.
- Take an inventory of your fridge/freezer and plan your meals for the week.
- Do something kind for someone else.
- Stick to your regular work schedule! If you work 8-4pm regularly shut off for the day at 4pm and make sure you are taking your breaks.
- Try doing micro workouts during the day. 10 minutes of exercise a few times over the day does add up and will benefit you.
- Share your favourite recipe with a family member or friend.
- Book a video chat with your people (friends, family co-workers), physical distancing is required but we can still be social!
- Create a gratitude jar or a gratitude journal. Reading these back will help when you have a tough day.
- Make and enjoy your favourite comfort meal without guilt.
- Write down three things you are grateful for every day.
- Do something kind for yourself and someone else.
- Stretch throughout the day. Your body will thank you!
- Have a dance party in your house. This is sure to bring some laughter!
- Try a green smoothie.
- Pack your lunch the night before even if you are working from home.
- Call a family member or friend you haven’t spoken to lately. Phone call, not text!
- Set a goal for the future and write it down. Identify the steps you will need to take to achieve it.
- Participate in an online group exercise class.
- Make one of the weekly recipes provided
- Stay hydrated by drinking 8 glasses of water each day
- Get outside for a 30 minute walk
- Download or follow an exercise video online
- Participate in the Wednesday EWSNetwork Coach’s Connection Webinar
- Download a meditation app on your phone and use it
- Take 30 minutes (min) and do something just for you. i.e. read a book, have a long bath, etc.
- Finish a home project that you have been putting off
- Send an e-card to someone you love
- Start a journal