Workplace Wellness Champion Series

Join us for our 4-part webinar series that will empower you to champion a healthier workforce. Each session will offer critical insights into building a workplace wellness strategy that produces results. Mark your calendar on Thursday, October 3, 10, 17, and 24 for sessions from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Don’t miss this FREE opportunity to learn best practices while also celebrating October’s Healthy Workplace Month.

Meaghan Jansen, MSc., Employee Wellness Solutions Network

Program Objectives 

Empower Wellness Champions: Gain the knowledge and skills to become an effective wellness ambassador within your organization.

Maximize Engagement: Discover the most successful strategies to boost participation and optimize engagement in your workplace wellness initiatives.

Master Best Practices: Learn how to assess, implement, and evaluate your workplace wellness program to ensure lasting success.

What You’ll Learn

  • Workplace wellness fundamentals
  • Defining a healthy workplace
  • Key elements for planning
  • Setting the right objectives
  • Gaining leadership support
  • Wellness champions and creating a dynamic committee
  • Best wellness program components that support a healthy culture
  • Successful keys to implementation
  • Focusing on CVI: Communication, Visibility, Integration
  • Creating program depth
  • Establishing value – what to measure and how to report
  • Understand VOI vs ROI
  • Why and how to evaluate
  • Next steps

What People Are Saying

“Excellent research-based webinars with real-life stories to back up the facts.”

“Excellent series! It took something that felt overwhelming and broke it down into manageable pieces. I have a much better understanding of where to begin to build a wellness strategy.”

“The presentations were good, but I couldn’t attend all of the webinars with other work commitments. I love that I can watch the recordings at my own pace now.”