Work with an EWSNetwork Health Coach = 50 pointsIf your wellness program includes health coaching, claim these points if you have had a Health Coaching appointment with one of the awesome EWSNetwork coaches in the last 3 months OR have an appointment scheduled within the next 3 months.
Share your success story = 75 pointsHave you improved your diet or fitness habits, lost weight, or quit smoking because of adopting healthy habits?  We want to know about it!  Send us your story for some bonus points!
Take a wellness photo (healthy selfie or team pic) = 75 pointsWhat does wellness mean to you?  Take a photo to show us.  Do a handstand, drink water, include your family… anything goes!
Annual Physical = 100 pointsHave you had your annual physical this year?
Book an annual physical, if you haven’t already = 100 pointsBe accountable for your body.  This may help reassure you or catch health issues before they get too serious!  It’s also important for screening certain cancers and cholesterol levels.