It’s time to be an All-Around Wellness Warrior!
It’s time to be an All-Around Wellness Warrior!
This 2-week challenge focuses on the many habits that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Exercise, healthy eating, mental health, financial well-being… we’ll do it all!
Wellness is about your WHOLE self and we’re challenging you to put some healthy habits into practice.
Each week, you’ll receive a task list with simple actions you can take to improve your health and be the best version of yourself you can be. Complete the healthy tasks and earn points for your team. The team with the most points at the end of the Team Challenge, wins!
Submit your points using this virtual submission form. Team EWSNetwork will tally all scores and post the updated Team Leaderboard results once per week.
Be sure to check out the Resource Centre for loads of helpful tip sheets, challenge-specific guides, and resources.
Good luck and have FUN!

Submission forms are for ONE day of tasks! You may choose to submit at the end of week. – be sure to complete one form per day.